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You don't have to take some crap from these people. Maybe you should tell a teacher about it and just talk to them about it. In my school we have peer mediation so people can find out what they can do to make things better. Ask a teacher if they could get the person who is bothering you and talk together to figure things out. I hope things work out better.

If you let bullies bother you on your brand new school year or a special event then they just ruin all you fun, so just ignore them, don't say any sayings like: "Thank you, or you made my day" you think that will bore them but it will just make them enjoy it more. so just follow my advice and you might have a wonderful year or less than a bad year.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

If you are ever being picked on at school heres some tip.

1. If you dont have any friends to have your back,tell an adult or someone you trust whats going on,dont let the bully know that your telling on him/her or it'll just get worse.tell the adult to keep an eye on you so whenever you are about to get into a fight with a bully the adult can stop it and the bully will just think that the teacher just happened to to be taking a walk down the hallway.

2.If you do have friends let them know whats going on and tell them to have your back so when your about to get in a fight with a bully your friend can tell an adult and the adult can have your back.

the reason why I didnt tell you any fighting tips is because i think that fighting is wrong,and you are a better person and you dont have to sink to the bully level.and if you are ever being picked on just leave a comment telling me whats going on i think I might help.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

if your at school you tell a teacher but if your an adult just ignore then becoause you are more mature and there just being kids

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Nothing says that you should allow yourself to be a punching bag. You should defend yourself, but you should not be aggressive.

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Make friends and they can defend you. If you haven't reported the bully to the principal yet, I believe you should if it is greatly scarring your life. And you can always stand up for yourself. (Maybe you can transfer schools)

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How do you defend yourself from getting bullied or picked on?

tell the teacher or adult , ignore the bully or pretend you dont care if you have lots of friends get them all and stand in a group in the playground with them

Are weapons for wimps?

no, weapons are not for wimps if you or your friend is in a fight and there is someone stronger fighting against you you cant defend yourself. WEAPONS ARE FOR DEFENCE. SO NEVER LISTEN TO A BULLY.

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I think this answer can be a bully or an intimidator.

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What games feature a bully on the PS2?

The best game that features a bully on the PS2 is in fact the game titled simply Bully. Bully takes place in a school setting with the player controlling the main character James Hopkins who is a school bully.

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You may get any type of injury if you bully. Your victims may defend themselves or assault you back. Some bullies even get killed while bullying. So don't be a bully.