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each person has their own way of using chakra, they pull all the energy from inside them and gather it in the center and just bring it out my way of using my chakra is by thinking of going into a big black vortex, when the ball is thick enough you concentrate on making it under your feet allowing you to fly or if you put in your hands you can create and energy ball which can be used offensively or defensively. it can even be used for healing.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

you do this

then you migh summon chakra me and my freinds tried it and it worked XD

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βˆ™ 14y ago

well, you can't really train chakra. after i started watching naruto, i have been like obsessed with being a ninja. you cant really train chakra. but you can get a lot more agile by believing in it. my reflexes have grown much better by just beliving in it and pretending it was real and "training" with that pretend chakra. its pretty cool how much more agile you can get just be pretending.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You don't Chakra is energy you cannot create or destroy energy only use and manipulate it.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

You Don't ...ever

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Is Pein made up of chakra?

He is not made of chakra. It is just that he emits chakra to control his 6 paths or bodies. The bodies then receive the chakra through chakra recievers.

How do you say Chakra in Japanese?

chakra is chakra in japaneese, the word is already in japaneese

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6th chakra

How do you use a chakra?

Well, I think you used the wrong choice of words. Chakra's aren't something you can just use. Plus, chakra is a noun, so it isn't right to say "a chakra" you have to say "chakra" unsless you are reffering to one of the 7 chakras. Then you have an exception. But to answer your question, (by the way you asked this) Im guessing you don't know a lot about the chakras (please take no offesnse, when I was first learning about them I was confused). The chakras are spinning wheels of energy. However, you can't just "focus" and use your chakra to create fire or send a tornada. I don't mean to rain on your parade, but that's not possible (at least as far as trying to do that alone with the chakras goes). Chakras create balance in your life. You can ejoy the flow of energy created by your chakra, and yes, you can feel and expiriance that. You have to learn how to camly focus your energy and send it through out your body. I don't want to make this to long, so if you want to learn how to clear and create pure energy, search meditation on Google, wikipedia, ask or any serch engine.

Is the nine tail chakra real?

Chakra is believed to be real but no the tails chakra isn't real.

What is the birth name of Gianluca Chakra?

Gianluca Chakra's birth name is Gianluca Romolo Chakra.

What is the name of the Chakras in Norwegian?

Norwegian uses the Sanskrit terms as the 'official' names for the chakras (ex. Sahasrara), but the common terms are normally translated as follows:Mooladhara: rotchakra, basechakra (root or base chakra)Swadistana: seksual-chakra, måne-chakra (sexual or moon chakra)Manipura: navle-chakra (navel chakra)Anahata: hjerte-chakra (heart chakra)Vishuddhi: hals-chakra (throat chakra)Ajna: det tredje øye (the third eye)Sahasrara: krone-chakra, visdoms-chakra (crown or wisdom chakra)Source: Related link.These are not everyday terms, but will be known to people familiar with New Age or alternative medicine.

Is Pein mad of chakura?

He is not made of chakra. It is just that he emits chakra to control his 6 paths or bodies. The bodies then receive the chakra through chakra recievers.

What kind of chakra does Sasuke have?

If you're talking about chakra type, then sasuke's chakra type is lightning and fire.

How do you pronounce chakra?

Chakra is pronounced as "CHUH-kruh."

How can you use chakra?

you can use chakra by gathering all your body's energy to your arms that boosts your upcoming special move in the movie 'Naruto'. but it dosent you cant really use real can use chakra by gathering all your body's energy to your arms that boosts your upcoming special move in the movie 'Naruto'. but it dosent you cant really use real life.Answer:Actually, there are chakras. There are seven of them. One on top of your head, called the crown chakra, one on your face called the brow chakra (aka third eye), one on your throat called the throat chakra, one on your chest called the heart chakra, one in the middle of your stomach called your solar plexus chakra, one on your lower stomach called your spleen chakra, and one on your lower back/coxyc called your root or base chakra. Each chakra has their own color and function:Crown chakra: violet..... this chakra vitalizes the upper brain.Third Eye Chakra: indigo..... this chakra vitalizes the lower brain.Troat chakra: sky blue..... This chakra uses speech and communication.Heart chakra: green..... this chakra vitalizes blood circulation.Solar plexus chakra: yellow..... this chakra vitalizes emotion and digestive processes.Spleen chakra: orange..... this chakra vitalizes sexuality and pleasure.Root chakra: red..... this chakra is your instincts.You can meditate each of these chakras. Each meditation gives you a different after affect. For example, if you stretch your solar plexus chakra, you will experience weight loss (if you need to), healthier metabolism, humor, laughter, power, authority, and self control as well as relaxation.All you need to do is google Chakra Meditation How To, and you will find out how to excersize and align these chakras.Good luck!!