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Make sure the keys are out of the ignition first. Then check to see if your vehicle has any braces holding it in place. Once you've taken any braces off, disconnect the ground wire(black), it useally takes a 1/2 inch wrench. Then take your hot wire off(red). These are all the workings of a person being self sufficient. Good luck.

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17y ago
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17y ago

First off, the battery is located under the rear seat, gab the front lip of the seat and pull up. There is no latch to release just pull upward. From there on is just a side terminal battery, 8mm wrench for the side terminals and a 13mm for the hold down bolt. There will be a vent tube connected to either side of the battery just pull them off. The battery will need tipped in various ways in order to get it out from under the from of the seat support. From there just reverse the steps and you are all set.

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13y ago

open the hood and find the battery. disconnect both terminals. take the battery out and dispose of properly. put the new battery in its place and reattach the terminals.

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15y ago

Is it a car key? If so, go to the dealership. If not, take it to like a watch repair shop or something.

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11y ago

Take the battery to your local auto parts store. They have equipment to test the battery at no charge.

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Where is the horn on a 2003 Cadillac cts?

Horns are typically at the front of the engine capartment, left or right of the radiator, there are twop (a high and a low pitch) for the 2001 Firebird, not sure if they are in the same location

Were is the evap emission vent valve solenoid located on the 2007 Cadillac CTS?

That little part is buried on the intake manifold. It is not really too easy to get to but if you equip yourself with a Haynes Manual(available at AZ or NAPA) it will show you where it is,.

What does a code 15 mean for a 1991 Chevy Caprice?

code 15 coolant temp sensor low temp indicated change cts sensor or test with multi meter

A car that starts with w?

Cadillac, Chevrolet, Toyota Camry, Toyota corolla, opel corsa, the list goes on...... CTS = Catera Touring Sedan. In 2009 or 2010 Cadillac will release a Coupe version (2-door) and you guessed it, it will be the CTC.

What is average lump sum payment from carpal tunnel syndrome?

That is hard to say because different states have different work comp laws and rules as to what is allowable and what's not. A lot of CTS is caused by non-workrelated factors as well, but if your case has been approved by workers comp then it Also will depend if the person has had to have surgery or not and whether there is/was in impairment or disability. If you understand all that then some with carpal tunnel syndrome are no entitiled to any settlement or lump sum...Others may be able to collect 15-30k..less lawyer fees of 20-30% of course. in west Tennessee what is the average settlement for carpal tunnel