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The squads have a list of technical moves that must be executed during their performance. Each move (jump, pyramid, etc) is worth a certain amount of points with the squad receiving the maximum allowable points for something done with no mistakes and so on. They also receive points on level of difficulty, appeal of performance, choreography and appearance of cheerleaders. There are a panel of judges who score their performance as they go and they are tallied up in the end. Whoever has the best overall performance and appearance will receive the most points and win.

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Q: How do cheerleaders at competition ge the points?
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How many competitive cheerleaders are there in the US?

There are an estimated 1.5 million All-Star (competitive) cheerleaders in the U.S.

How do you find the distance calculator on Google earth?

If your toolbuttons are visible there is a ruler up there which you can use to measure between two points. You can also create a path and GE will tell you how long the path is.

What kind of cheerleading squad is right for you?

It depends on what you want to get out of the sport. School Cheerleaders, or Team Cheerleaders cheer for a sports team. Their focus is more on chants and cheers for supporting there team, though they do do some stunting and tumbling. All-Star cheerleaders cheer competitively in competitions. These cheerleaders are trained in private gyms where you have to sign up to be on the team. This kind of cheering focuses more on stunting, jumping, and tumbling. These types of squads are easier to join, because you don't have to try-out, just have your skills evalueated.

What does the symbol Ge stand for on the periodic table?


Where Are GE light bulbs made?

China and Mexico

Related questions

What movie had blacks playing drums in a competition with cheerleaders?

drumline. its a good movie. it dose not have cheerleaders but it does have dancers which are like cheerleaders

Are there cheerleaders all over the world?

Absolutely- there are cheerleaders everywhere. At the World's competition, you can meet cheerleaders from Japan and from Hawaii. It shows the diversity in cheerleading and how it helps connect the world.

How many cheerleaders are on nfl team?

As with their on the field counterparts, cheerleaders often dream of making it to the NFL. However, there are only 36 cheerleaders on a team at one time. This means cuts are steep and competition is extreme. Six teams in the league do not have cheerleaders at this time.

Uca cheer camp?

"UCA Cheer Camp" is held by college cheerleaders. These competition cheerleaders give up their time to go around the nation & teach new things. It's very fun.

Why is cheerleading a strong competition?

Because all the cheerleaders have worked so hard all season on the routine and the stunts and they want to win!

What is a cheer dance competition?

A cheer dance competition is very similar to a regular dance competition, where dancers perform and are judged and awarded medals based on how well they did. Cheerleaders can participate in competitions like this too, where they are judged on their cheer routines and awarded medals.

Is all-star cheerleading a sport?

cheerleading is definitely a sport. the definition of sport is anything that has competition to it. plus cheerleaders can get hurt just as bad as football players. in football if you miss a catch all you miss is da ball...but in cheerleading if you miss a catch den you miss da athlete. now which one sounds more dangerous????????? and when football players get tackled dey have pads on and stuff. cheerleaders dont have anything but their uniforms are. cheerleading is actually very dangerous. cheerleading is definitely a sport. the definition of sport is anything that has competition to it. plus cheerleaders can get hurt just as bad as football players. in football if you miss a catch all you miss is da ball...but in cheerleading if you miss a catch den you miss da athlete. now which one sounds more dangerous????????? and when football players get tackled dey have pads on and stuff. cheerleaders dont have anything but their uniforms are. cheerleading is actually very dangerous.

What is the point of cheerleaders?

The point of cheerleading is to support the team, while entertaining the crowd. Cheerleaders do this by performing stunts, tumbling, dancing, cheering, and being peppy. While cheerleading started out as a sideline only sport it has evolved into being a very competitive sport. For many schools cheerleaders have a football, competition , and then basketball season, which is alot to take in !

What is the number of cheerleaders in the world today?

There is no specific or current information available on the exact number of cheerleaders worldwide. The number can vary greatly depending on the region, level of competition, and type of cheerleading (e.g., professional, school, recreational).

What is the plural possessive nouns of cheerleaders?

The possessive form of the plural noun 'cheerleaders' is cheerleaders'.example: The cheerleaders' practice is at three today.

How do you get competition points on your pony?

You get points on your pony from going to shows and once you get lots of points, you can be ranked Grade D, C, B & A!

How many cheerleaders can a cheer-leading squad hold?

As many as you can get. The more people you have the more stunt groups you can have and the more points you can score.