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The starter motor is located between the transmission and the engine which engages the starter clutch with the flywheel, which rotates and starts the engine.
Should be at the lower end of the engine follow the + battery cable
It can have either a 360 or 390 V8. Most likely a 360.
The horsepower for an Evinrude outboard, can be determined from the engine model number.
That is a moot question because either motor can be built to be stronger than the other one. Stock motor verses stock mototr an older 327 will produce more horsepower unless you find a four bolt main 350 which is called the 350LT1
you can find it on
Usually you can find out the information about the engine from the Chevrolet website, or some other website. Since Chevy no longer puts 350's in their trucks I am not sure if there would be information on their website. I do believe that the stock horsepower on that particular motor is 255.
One can find the stock quote for the Ford motor company on a website called Market Watch. One can also find the stock quote on MSN in the Investing Money section.
Click the link. The stock symbol for Ford on the NYSE is F
Advertised Horsepower is : 240 HP @ 4000 RPMS The only information I can find is a 1973 454 truck engine. Nothing in 1972
For calculation purposes one horsepower is equal to 746 watts. So to find the total wattage of the motor multiply the total horsepower by 746. To change the wattage to kilowatts divide the total wattage by 1000.
the only thing i can tell you is to ask your local Chevy dealer to look the no. up, or there may be a web site to look no's up. You could go to and try to find your number, but that doesn't look like a typical block number.
A motor that draws 14 amps on 240 volts is probably a two horsepower motor, but it could be three depending on the efficiency.Watts = amps x volts. There are 746 watts in 1 horsepower.CommentIn North America, horsepower is always used to describe the output power of a motor. You can only find the input power by multiplying the supply voltage by the load current. You will, unfortunately, then need to know the efficiency of the machine to determine its output power in horsepower.
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after market type mounts: AGP DogBone Motor Mounts 00-05 Neon if your looking for stock motor mounts: