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It's possible, but most likely such a person would probably have trained many long years in a variety of other Martial Arts styles, and then adapt the learned techniques into a system of his own, or their Martial Art style is mainly based on another system (or other systems), but they have made enough changes or additions or changed the focus of the techniques enough to make it unique in its' own way.

But nowadays if you see someone claiming to be a founder of their own style are a lot of times they are just a "Legend in their own mind", though there is the rare exception to this.

Many true martial artists have been studying martial arts for many, many years and take the knowledge that they have learned and incorporated into their "own" style.

It is very hard today to find a martial art system that is solely based on original techniques.

On that note, keep in mind that many "instructors" can makeup their own style, type out credentials and certifications online, and make themselves out to be something they are not. When looking into martial arts; do research and find out if the style is legitimate and if the instructor has legitimate credentials.

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Are there any traditions of martial arts?

Yes, there are. Most martial arts have their own traditions. While many overlap, each style, each type, and often each school individually has their own traditions. If you are looking for the specific traditions of a particular type of martial arts (Boxing, Kung Fu, Karate, Tai Kwon Do, etc.) than you should research those specifically.If you are looking for the traditions of a particular school, than you should ask the sensei of that school. If you are looking for traditions of a particular style (like the white crane style) you should study the other aspects of that style as well, as the traditions are often related to what is most effective for that style's practitioners.If you are looking for general traditions of all martial arts, that is a fairly broad question, and difficult for most people to answer, as most people tend to only ever study one or two types of martial arts.

Is muay thai better than mixed martial arts?

Both Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Muay Thai have their own unique qualities and benefits.

How do you patent your own martial art?

I've spoken to my lawyer about this, because I know martial artists that threaten to sue people for "teaching their stuff". The short answer is no. If you write a manual or produce a video or otherwise fix something into a tangible form - then that thing has copyright. That's the book or video itself, but not your style. You could also file a trademark on your style name or logo. Krav Maga is famously going through trademark lawsuits. The real issue with trying to protect a style is that there is virtually no martial arts movements you could make that don't already exist in some other style.

Does Hawaii have its own Martial Arts?

Yes they do it's a hybrid style based on Shorei ryu Kenpo Gong fu jujitsu it is called Kajukenbo also actor Mark Dacascos parents learned this style in Hawaii from one of the founders Adriano Emperado

How long between belts martial arts- kids?

It varies considerably form school to school and style to style. Because kids need more 'rewards' they often have many more levels then the typical adult series. Your school may have a published guideline regarding promotions. We do not have any times associated with student promotions, each is evaluated at their own rates.

Related questions

Does every culture have their own style of martial arts?

Every culture that has gone to war or been involved in a fight has a martial art. Martial arts refer to any skills used in combat, so use of sword, gun and weapons are martial arts.

How can you take martial arts without getting wrapped up in the style wars?

Don't get sucked into the style wars. Study the martial arts for your own reasons, not for what others think. You need to find the teacher and style that works for you, which is not necessarily the one for your neighbor or your friend.

Did druce lee make martial arts?

Bruce Lee was a student of the martial arts. He developed is own martial art based on his learning of wing chung and karate.

Are there any british martial arts?

Martial Arts originated in the orient. Britain has adapted some Martial Arts, but has none of its own origin. Unless you count boxing.

Are there any traditions of martial arts?

Yes, there are. Most martial arts have their own traditions. While many overlap, each style, each type, and often each school individually has their own traditions. If you are looking for the specific traditions of a particular type of martial arts (Boxing, Kung Fu, Karate, Tai Kwon Do, etc.) than you should research those specifically.If you are looking for the traditions of a particular school, than you should ask the sensei of that school. If you are looking for traditions of a particular style (like the white crane style) you should study the other aspects of that style as well, as the traditions are often related to what is most effective for that style's practitioners.If you are looking for general traditions of all martial arts, that is a fairly broad question, and difficult for most people to answer, as most people tend to only ever study one or two types of martial arts.

Why do the Chinese do martial arts?

Mainly for self-defense and exercise purposes, as well as a form of competition and endurance conditioning. Also, it might interest you to know that the Chinese are not the only country in the world who have their own style of martial arts. North Americans and Brazillians have their own styles as well.

Why do martial arts come from Asia and not from anywhere else?

Most cultures, including European, African and Native American cultures, have their own martial arts and hand-to-hand combat styles, which have developed for use in war or leisure practice/exericise. Fencing, boxing, savate (a French kickboxing style) and wrestling are examples of western martial arts.

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The grandmaster of an art is a title usually reserved for the top ranked practitioner in any specific martial art. Each style (not each school) would have their own senior practitioner.

Is muay thai better than mixed martial arts?

Both Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Muay Thai have their own unique qualities and benefits.

Should you give up on martial arts?

It is your own decision

How can you make a Kung Fu style?

You can't. The kung fu portrayed in Kung Fu Hustle is an homage to styles used in old Martial arts films, which were ultimately influenced by Chinese fiction. No one can really produce Hurricane force winds just by screaming, or catch a bullet with their fingers.

Can you create your own martial arts organisation?

rules depends on countries, perhaps you need teaching certificate, or to create a new style so if is recognized then you get a title and a rank