NO, many kids start at 12 . Competitive kart racing is tough. You have to start young, be smart, have razor sharp reflexes and be a little crazy. -Most 17 year olds have all that. I 'karted' from 14 to 27 and loved it.
No, 17 year old cannot join WWE because its a criteria of WWE.
mighty mouse
Yes! I am 17 and have two. There is a place in crystal minnesota called ace tattoo. They do a great job! All you need is your parent.
What the medical field considers a normal, resting heart rate in a healthy adult is between 60-100 beats per minute. So a heart rate of 66 in a healthy 19 year old adult is normal if 60 and regular.
You don't, firstly most 17 year olds have no interest in 11 year olds, and even if they did any sexual contact between a 17 year old and a 11 year old would be illegal.
If you're talking about thinks like muscular endurance, then no. Usually, a 65-year-old is much more weak than a 17-year-old
it is alright but there must be consent from the 17 year olds parents
no but 1-12 year olds can
If the 17 year olds parents give permission. Not something I'd give my daughters permission to do.
physically they can handle it fine, there are dogs heavier than 2 year olds that 17 year olds carry with ease, obviously you'll have to be careful though, but as long as you're careful I'm sure everything will be fine. Besides there are loads of 17 year olds that are parents nowadays anyway!
There was infact only one 17 year old which was Vaso Cubrilovic
There are plenty of 17 year olds that don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend. It does not make them odd.
It depends on the 16 year old : ) I would say they could because dylan and cole sprouse are 17 and because there in it and it's about 17 year olds then you can
Yes, but not automatically. 17 year olds are still minors under Texas state law, but they can petition to become emancipated (as can 16 year olds who are financially independent).
No, 17 year olds are allowed to have sex with anyone between the ages of 16 and 27.