you are able to display posters and notices for the public to read
A rake board is a part of the roof of a house. The rake board is the diagonal board on the side of the roof's overhang.
"I live in and {APARTMENT} here in {MANCHESTER, KY} and all of the notice that I have to give my landlady is a 30 day notice."
Move, or ignore the notice and be evicted.
A Dagger Board is a small removable board that acts as a Keel on a small sailboat.
there are many advantages. yet there are also diadvantages
they have none
are accessible to everyone due to their strategic placement
A notice board is a place where public messages can be posted and items can be advertised for sale. Upcoming events are posted on the boards. A notice board is sometimes called a bulletin board or pin board.
notice board
you say ''kaatchip palakai'' in order to say notice board in tamil
Example sentence - The sign was too large not to notice.
advantages of FOB
it can breakdown
Ask your local librarian or check on your council notice board or library notice board what activities they have got on.
Although notice board has various advantages but there are certain disadvantages too, which one can't ignore these are the following:It can easily fall into neglectIt can becomes untidy and irrelevant as the time passesIts effectiveness depends upon the reader curiosity.
On a bulletin board.