Sure, why not? It's not the racing itself that is a problem in most cases, it's the way the dogs are treated by their trainers and owners.
Greyhounds love running. They enjoy it. Many racetracks treat their dogs really well and the dogs are happy.
Of course, a controversial aspect of Greyhound Racing is the danger of such races. Yes, they can hurt themselves but it's similar to an extreme human sport. But dogs hurt themselves all the time playing too.
Hi There is no specific colour for a 'grade' in greyhound racing,
Greyhound racing results can be found online from a number of sources. One example is the website Mardi Gras Casino WV, which has live results of greyhound racing.
This site will get you started:In the US, there are about 40 greyhound racing tracks operating in 12 different states. In England, there are approximately 32 greyhound racing stadiums.* This site has a list of States with tracks:*
you think
All dogs can run fast but the Greyhound is probably the fastest, which is why there are greyhound dog-racing tracks similar to horse-racing tracks.
el tenor
when did 8 trap greyhound racing stop in the uk
No, it's greyhound racing.
The job of a greyhound is racing ,making there own owners happy, and most of all having fun.
youtube it or google it