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It's listed in the past performances for each track in any given edition of the Daily Racing Form, as well as at the Form's website. Most tracks have websites that have this information as well.

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Q: Where can one find the length of the Stretch Runs for Major Horse Racing Tracks in the US?
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What a length in horse racing?

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In horse racing what is meant by one length?

A length used in Horse Racing is the length of 1 horse. Say a horse won by one length then the horse that came second would be in line with the end of the winning horse, if it won by two lengths then another horse could fit into the winning gap. A length is 1/5th of a second as horse racing is measured in 5th's of a second.

Which dog runs faster?

All dogs can run fast but the Greyhound is probably the fastest, which is why there are greyhound dog-racing tracks similar to horse-racing tracks.

Who publishes the magazine called Horse Racing Today?

Horse Racing Today is an online racing magazine which offers free expert horse racing picks for over 70 race tracks. There is no information on the site specifying who is behind HRT.

How many inches equals one length?

If you are talking about horse racing, then one length is how long a horse is, but there is no real measurement of a 'length'. A regular horse size is 100 inches, or about 12-15 feet.

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Kempton Park. Sandown Park. Winsor. Lingfield Park and Ascot ish

If it wasn't for thomas cook What will happend?

If it wasn't for him we would not have train tracks,concerts,horse-racing and new great exhibition