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They run odd years for southern and even years for northern.

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Q: What years do they run the southern route for the iditarod for the dogsled race?
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How did the name they name the Iditarod?

they maned the iditarod after a ghost town the race route passes on the northern route, which they run in odd years, rather they run the southern route in even years.

How many different Iditarod routes are their?

2. they run the northern route in odd years, and run the southern route in even years

What years do they run the northern route for the iditarode?

The Iditarod is ran on the northern route on even years. The northern route has more villages along it than the southern route ran on odd years.

How many checkpoints in the Iditarod?

There are 26 checkpoints on each route in the Iditarod. The southern route is taken on odd numbered years(such as this year,2013) and the northern route is taken on even numbered years. I'm not able to give the exact information of where each checkpoint is on both northern and southern routes, but somewhere else on wikianswers(this website).

How often does the route change in the iditarod for both north and south?

on the odd years they go the the southern route.they change every other year

What is the halfway point of the 2010 iditarod route?

In even years, the Iditarod follows the Northern route. The halfway point is between Cripple and Ruby, closer to Ruby.

How often does the Iditarod happen?

It is a dogsled race that takes place in Alaska. There is a ceremonial start in Anchorage Alaska, however, due to the urban nature of the area, after the ceremony the race moves to Willow Alaska, about 80 miles north of Anchorage, and goes from Willow to Nome Alaska.

Why does the Iditarod Sled Dog Race alternate between a northern route and a southern route every other year?

During the early years of the Iditarod Race, the mushers only traveled the northern trail. After several years, the Iditarod Board of Directors realized that the smaller villages were being heavily impacted by the race coming through their village year after year. It was decided to use both sections of the trail. This decision had a three fold effect. The northern villages of Ruby, Galena and Nulato only had to deal with the large group of mushers, press and volunteers every other year. The second effect was that the race was able to pass through the actual ghost town of Iditarod. Lastly, the villages of Shageluk, Anvik and Grayling were able to participate in the race.

How many years has the iditarod?

The Iditarod from 2018 has run for 45 years

Which is the halfway point for the Iditarod in this years race?

The "halfway point" checkpoint for the iditarod race is Ophir to Iditarod

How many checkpoints are on this years Iditarod race?

There are 18 checkponts in the 2013 Iditarod race

What years was Matt Giblin in the Iditarod?

Matt Giblin was in the Iditarod in 1998 and is in the 2011 race..