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Jamaican Cup

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Q: What Horse Race did Long Shot win?
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How do break a maiden race horse?

Win a race

When a horse win what is the third race horse called name?

This is the show horse. Win, place and show.

If a camel and a horse race who would win?

A horse can reach speeds of 47 mph while a bear can only reach 25 mph. Overall the horse can run longer distances, especially over a bear. So the horse would probably win.

What is the farthest distance a race horse has come from behind to win?

The farthest distance a race horse has come from behind to win is great. This horse went from last place to first place.

Did a horse called Fen Terrier win a horse race?

Not that I've heard of.

Who was the first to win a horse race?

A cave man.

Name of first horse to win a race?

The name of the first horse to win a race is debated, as horse racing has a long history spanning many cultures. One of the earliest recorded examples is the horse Potoooooooo, owned by the Earl of Abingdon and a successful racehorse in 1773.

What is a Wire to wire win in horse racing?

When a horse wins the race while having the lead throughout the entire race.

Last person to win a triple crown in horse racing?

No one....It 's a horse race. Only a horse has won the race! And the last horse to win the Triple Crown was Affirmed in 1978. The jockey on Affirmed was Steve Cauthen.

What is breaking a maiden in horse racing?

Breaking your maiden in horse racing means that you won your first race. Your maiden race is every race you enter until you win a race.

Who would win if you were to line up a cheetah and a horse and have them run a marathon?

The Horse by a long shot. the cheeta may be fast for a very short period but it has no staying power.

What can you win a Kentucky Derby on?

The Kentucky Derby is a horse race, you would win it on a horse, specifically a three year old Thoroughbred.