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Q: In the Iditarod how many dogs do you need to end with?
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How many dogs do you have to end with in the Iditarod?


What is the maximum number of dogs in the iditarod At the start and at the finish?

A musher can have a maximum of 15 dogs to start the Iditarod race. He must have a least 5 dogs in the harness at the end to officially finish. Dogs can be dropped for many reason such as injury, illness, and attitude issue.

How many dogs do you need for the Iditarod?

A contestant in the Iditarod usually has 12-16 dogs on their sled team at the beginning of the race. If less than 6 dogs are pulling the sled when they cross the finish line, the team will be disqualified.

How many dogs in the Iditarod race?

in the iditarod you can have a maximum of sixteen dogs and a minamum of twelve dogs!!! most mushers will end up with anywhere from eight to twelve dogs in the end!!!! this is because many mushers will lose dogs when they run away on the trail and because some mushers will leave there dogs at the check point if they are hurt or if they are overly tired. people at the check point will then take care of the dogs at the check point. in the end of the race they are reunited when theyre musher crosss the finish line!!! the iditarod face is a very stressful race but can also be very exciteing and is something thet all great mushers want to do. they may also enter in the Yukon quest race. so wwwwoooooowwwww.................maybe you should try the could be fun!!! couldn't you just imagine a little two year old mushing a dogsled!!!!!!!!!!ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha wouldn't that be funny!!!!!!!!!!!yyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeehhhhhhhaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many dogs get hurt during the iditarod?

Mostly a lot because there are a lot of teams so i know that some teams start out with 18 to 16 dogs but there are some people that when they finish they end with only nine, ten, six dogs left.

Where does the Iditarod end?


Where is the end of the Iditarod race?


What rhymes with Iditarod?

try anything that end in "od"

How did the Iditarod race end?

by somone getting raped.

Where does Alaska's Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race end?

Alaska's Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race ends at Nome.

What was the iditarod trails used for?

To get from one end of Alaska to another.

What was the first iditarod used for?

To get from one end of Alaska to another.