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How do racing pigeons find their way home? No one knows for sure. Research at Cornell and the University of Pittsburgh indicate that pigeons may have multiple facilities allowing them to determine the correct direction of home. There is little doubt that the sun is the primary orientation clue used by homing pigeons, but there have been experiments which have developed night flying pigeons, thus showing that the sun is not the only available orientation reference. Some scientists believe that pigeons also perceive the earth's magnetic field and utilize it for finding their way home. Other scientists have opined that pigeons may orient through a sense of smell or even low frequency sound via their hearing. Research is still going on at several universities trying to learn the secret of this bird's ability to navigate distances of 1,000 miles or more to return to its owner's backyard loft. But as far as breeders are concerned, the only way to discover if a bird possesses the required homing instinct, as well as athletic ability to do so quickly, is to race them.

* have there own little way of navigating around they no by remembering what certain places look like and so they know there way back its like thy have there own sat nav in there heads

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11y ago

Scientists think that homing pigeons can find their way home because of the position of the sun or stars or using the magnetism of the earth. No one really knows for sure though.

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13y ago

Because of the angle of the sun

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How do you train Homing Pigeons?

Well, first it only works one way. They will only come back to you, not go somewhere. After the pigeon has spent a couple of months in it's cage, it regards it as it's "home". Then, you take it somewhere and using internal navigation, it will find it's way back home.

How can you teach a pigeon to bring you mail?

You don't really. The way that works is that pigeons have a strong homing instinct. You can send one of your pigeons out with someone who's setting out to do some travelling. Then the traveller can attach a small capsule with a little note in it to the pigeons leg and release it. The pigeons flies back home, you retrieve the message and can read what the traveller wrote.

Do homing pigeons find their way by sensing the magnetic field of the earth?

Magnetic navigation -- Like a compass, pigeons detect lines in the Earth's magnetic field.Astronomical navigation -- Like early explorers, pigeons use the position of the sun and stars to plot their course.Smell and or hearing -- Every place has its own unique sounds and smells, and the plucky birds are able to detect their home turf by using high-powered senses over great distances.

How could you use artificial selection to breed pigeons with large beaks?

Artificial selection (or selective breeding) describes intentional breeding for certain traits, or combination of traits. The way to breed pigeons with large beaks is to find pigeons with large beaks of both sexes and mate them and then not allow breeding for pigeons without large beaks. You may also be able to genetically engineer pigeons so that they have large beaks.

How do homing pigeons work?

Carrier pigeons are not trained to fly to someplace, but rather back to a place, specifically their home bases. This is why they are also called homing pigeons.By taking pigeons to various other locations, they could be released there and would instinctively fly home.

When was Can't Find My Way Home created?

Can't Find My Way Home was created in 1989.

Is there a way to keep hawks away?

Peregrine Falcons are the most threat for your pigeons. It's up to your pigeons to master the defense against them.

What is the importance of pigeons?

Pigeons are monumentally important to the future of the world! They are the beacons of hope shining into a thousand universes, acting as the protector of every living species and the guardians of honour, hope, and all that is approximately ten centimetres high and feathery! Can I haz cheezburger nau?

Do pigeons imprint on people?

The coo to each other in a soft sweet way.

When was Find Your Own Way Home created?

Find Your Own Way Home was created on 2007-04-03.