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No, Vick NEVER served time for animal abuse and he was only in jail for 18 months NOT 23 (he was sentenced for 23 months though)

Vick was indicted in Federal Court and pled guilty to one count of "Conspiracy to Travel in Interstate Commerce in Aid of Unlawful Activities and to Sponsor a Dog in an Animal Fight Venture"

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Q: Did Michael Vick serve time for animal abuse?
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Who could you interview if you wanted to know about animal abuse?

The Humane Society, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Michael Vick.

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Michael Vick is a born again Christian. He became this while in jail for dog abuse charges.

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Can people stay in jail for 1 year for animal abuse?

Yes. Michael Vick went to jail on account of dog fighting for about two years, I believe.

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Why would you think its agricultural? Animal abuse is a federal and state crime. Its animal Cruelty. Ask Michael Vick.. He can tell you.

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