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Because they are real, moving, and beautiful. You can go watch the same play or movie 3000 times, and know exactly what will happen, and that the hero will win in the end.

With bullfighting, you never know what's going to happen. The bull may kill the bullfighter, or even, although rarely, be allowed to leave the arena alive. From second to second you never know whether the bullfighter is going to live or die, whether he will perform beautifully, or badly, make you cry, or make you laugh.

That is why people love bullfighting. It's not a gambling venue, it's a tragedy, sometimes on level with great works such as hamlet, and it's playing out live right in front of your eyes.

^to be honest i don't think that's a good reason to love it, getting a thrill out of someones death. why would you love it?, so you would love seeing a bull or a human get killed, you'd get some kind of sick thrill out of it?. and no you don't say of course they are real and moving just like you ITS CALLED BEEING ALIVE AND HAVING FEELINGS., so why would you want to destroy/kill something beautiful and living for FUN. i suggest anyone who loves bullfighting finds a new hobby, a normal one, like knitting,or get a pet, like a dog, but DONT kill it..., bullfighting is sick, sad: like have nowt better to do and feel the need to prove you have the power to kill a bull, wow get over yourselves its cruel and heartless, NO animal deserves to suffer a long painfull death. How would you like it. ehh fancy gettin stabbed in the back. and ye the guy (the bullfighter) is risking his life and i don't know why you'd wanna do that to be honest but that's his choice, but the bull should have rights too, DID THE BULL SAY IT WANTED TO BE STABBED IN THE BACK...NO, so i think this "sport" should stop until the bulls say themselfs 'go on and torture me'.. What makes you laugh about it honestly.? HAHAHAHAHAHAH DEATH HOW FUNNY! Sort it out.

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Bullfighting is sport in which endangers both humans and bulls involved. This is one of the many reasons it is illegal in the UK.

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Its rare that people become injured in bullfighting each year, in 2010 however there was an accident where 40 people were injured. It is more likely though that one wrong move of a matador and he will be maimed or gored by the bull. It is rare to see more than one or two fatalities per year due to bullfighting in Spain. Over 24000 bulls are killed each year in bullfighting in Spain.

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