In the shop that I have seen them in the average Discus were 25 pounds, and the special Discus were 80 pounds. In the shop that I have seen them in the average Discus were 25 pounds, and the special Discus were 80 pounds. I have seen them cost as low as 10 pounds.
Discus are not any more difficult to keep than other tropical fish. Proper tank maintenance is required, discus can be shy and somewhat picky eaters if you are feeding them different food than what they are use to. A clean tank is a must when keeping discus, weekly partial water changes are recommended. A high water temperature is required, around 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep in mind, the cost of a discus fish is much more than other tropical fish. Keeping discus fish are not recommended for those who have never had an aquarium setup.
Bernd Degen has written: 'Pr\\' 'Discus in the Community Tank' 'Degen discus book' -- subject(s): Discus (Fish) 'Wild-Caught Discus' 'The Proper Care of Discus' 'The Discus--\\' -- subject(s): Discus (Fish), Pictorial works
in what
they arent -_-
in water
what any discus eats.
no, discus are very slow moving fish zebras are one of the most active fishes. The zebras would stress the discus so much, they might die. If you want pretty fish that are also small, get cardinal or rummynose tetras.
NO! Discus are very fragile fish- very sensitive Goldfish are messy plus, goldfish like temps in the 60's and discus like them in the 80's i can think of millions of other reasons do discus a favor and never keep them
what fish feed their own young Both the male and the female Discus fish (Symphysodon discus) produce a nourishing slime on their sides/flanks for their fry to devour.
dog poopoo
The average NFL QB's discus throw is around 230 feet (70 meters)