It's not the color but the movement that attracts the bull. Contrary to myth, bulls are not colorblind. A bull's vision is dichromatic, meaning they can see in two main colors. These bulls are usually trained to be aggressive so that when they see movement, they will attack.
Matadors do not use 'flags.' They use two types of capes. The first is called a capote and it is a large, heavy rose colored cape used to test the bull and guide the bull when it first enters the bullring. The second is a smaller and lighter red cape that is suspended from a wooden stick and the matador's sword. The muleta is used in the final parts of the bullfight - the faena (performance)and the estocada (kill).The purpose of the capes is to be a lure and decoy. The bull has never encountered a man on foot before and thinks the cape is part of the man. However, the bull learns quickly and the matador dare not extend his performance too long as he will most assuredly be gored.
By the way, fighting bulls are not trained. They are wild animals, descendants of the ancient wild cattle that once roamed southern Europe. They are not domesticated and have never encountered a man on foot until they enter a bullring. They are raised on special ranches devoted to fighting bulls.
it something red or "tease" it in a sort of way that gets them mad Wave a flag in its face (its the movement that gets them angry)
a red flag
The cast of Wave a Red Flag - 2009 includes: Lisa Cromarty Monique Mojica
Traditionally, matadors wave a red cape at the bull. The bull is supposed to get angry at the color red, making him charge the matador. In reality, the bull does not care what color the cape is. He will charge a cape of any color.
You'll kill them, try a little Red Bull, if you want, and mostly water.
You will get a red calf. Red is a homozygous recessive gene in cattle, so the gene only comes about if a red bull is bred to a red cow producing a red calf.
Bulls and cows are actually red green colour-blind, so are not afraid of the colour red. It is the annoying waving of the cape that causes the bull to charge in a bull-fight arena.
Torero, which means bullfighter.There are three types of toreros, each using a different style or technique:* Matador * Picador* Banderillero === ===
The motto of Red Bull GmbH is 'No Red Bull. No Wings.'.
The flag of South Korea has a white background with a blue and red wave-like circle in the center with four sets of three black trigrams surrounding the central circle. The flag of North Korea is a red star in a white circle on a red background with white and blue stripes along the top and bottom.
Red rag to a bull is a myth, as the bull is colour-blind to red. It is the the waving cape that causes the bull to charge.