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Chariots enabled the transport of the army to be transfered from soldiers to animals.

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Q: Why are the chariots so important?
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What did the hittite's invent?

They made steel tools and chariots.

How did chariots help the hittites in battle?

There is disagreement about how, exactly, Hittites used chariots. Their tactics may or may not have changed during the course of the empire. It is clear that they used chariots as bow platforms for at least some of their battles. A charioteer and his driver (the two-man chariot), covered with bronze, scale armor and using a composite bow with a range of up to 250 meters or so, could maneuver into position to fire at an enemy on foot while being virtually invulnerable to infantry. Most infantry did not have composite bows, and could not get close enough to the chariots to fire back with their simple bows. Generally, only chariots could counter other chariots. Egyptian reliefs of the Battle of Kadesh (circa 1275 BCE) depict three men in Hittite chariots: one driver, one shield holder, and one spear carrier. Some people believe that this means the Hittites used these chariots as a sort of jousting platform. Others think this unlikely, and that the depiction may have more to do with Egyptian propaganda that with reality.

What was the wheel use for around 3500 BC?

The wheel was first invented by the Mesopotamia's around 3500 BC. Then, it was mostly used for transportation methods such as chariots. The wheel is probably the most important mechanical invention because we use it for so many things.

Why was the invention of the wheel was an important achievement to the Sumerian?

IT helped the sumerians in battle cause they made the chariots with the wheel and also because we wouldn't have cars and buses today.

What pulled chariots in ancient rome?

The Romans used horses to pull their chariots. 2 or 4 horses was most common but 10 horses were once used.

Related questions

Important contribution of Assyria and explain why it is important?

the library the chariots and the paved roads

What is the difference between war chariots and racing chariots?

War chariots have more armored protection than racing chariots

How is a chariot related to Greek culture?

Chariots were important in many cultures throughout history. In Greek culture chariots were significant particularly in racing, but were also used for ceremonies and general transportation.

What do chariots represent prophetically?

Chariots, especially chariots of fire, represent the sun god.

Whes did did roman find chariots?

The Romans did not find chariots. They were one of the ancient civilisation which made chariots.

Is chariots of silver and copper a idiom?

No, "chariots of silver and copper" is not an idiom. It may be used literally to describe chariots made of silver and copper.

When did Chariots of Fire happen?

Chariots of Fire happened in 1924.

When did Chariots of the Dogs happen?

Chariots of the Dogs happened in 2008.

When was A Flight of Chariots created?

A Flight of Chariots was created in 1963.

When did Chariots of War happen?

Chariots of War happened in 2003.

When was The Chariots of the Lord created?

The Chariots of the Lord was created in 1914.

Why were Roman chariots made?

Roman chariots were primarily made for use in warfare and racing. They were designed to be lightweight yet durable, with a low center of gravity for stability at high speeds. The construction of the chariots also allowed for quick maneuverability and ease of control by the charioteer.