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They were shot

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They won nothing.

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They went home disappointed.

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Q: What happened to ancient Greece olympic games losers?
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What is a person called that came to power outside of constitutional or legal means in Greece?

Tyrant. They usually arose as a political solution when there was irreconcilable strife in a state, and set out to settle the political problems and rule benevolently. However in such circumstances there were losers, who did not appreciate the tyranny, and tried to overthrow it. To stay in power, tyrants had to have a bodyguard, and to pay for that they had to tax, which reduced their popularity even amongst those who had supported them. See discussion page.

Why did the Aztecs think human sacrifices were important?

They thought humans served as worthy sacrifices to their gods. They were losers who were killed by the spanish just for their gold, so don't take them seriously, besides that we have Jesus Christ, so who needs the "Aztec Gods".

Where is the most gold found?

A lot of gold is found in the area of South Africa. Nevada, Alaska, Peru, Western Australia also produce a large amount of gold.

What is theme of the story of the flight of icarus by sally benson?

respect your limitations

What did the competitors win in the ancient Olympics?

They won olive branches, though these olive branches were very important, as the victors in these events were paraded through streets, with their name being as famous as their face. Their faces were so famous that they were sculpted into statues, which explains the nudity of many of these monuments, as the Olympics were performed in the buff. Also, in addition to statues, the winners of these games were given a great amount of money, as each winning won the man (as all competitors were young men) a small fortune. The competitors were nude for the purpose of glorifying the perfection of the human body, as perfectly fit and muscular bodies were statues in action.

Related questions

Why where sports so important to the ancient Greece?

losers were killed

What did Olympics losers get in ancient Greece?

Nothing but perhaps shame in their home city.

What happened to the losers in the ancient greek Olympics?

They were awarded nothing and went home to their city-state hanging their heads.

Setting of Losers Inc. the book?

in greece

What happened to the winners and losers in the Greek Olympic games?

The losers won nothing. If they cheated they would be fined and the money would be used to make statues of Zeus. Cowardice and avoiding training were considered cheating- HELLO BEN :D

In what country was the 1800s Olympic games held?

germany losers

Did the losers die in the ancient Olympics?

No they didn't

How did the mauryan empire end what happened to India?

it waz by terorists losers

What Historical events happened in India during September month?

the war. losers!

In ancient Olympics did the losers get a prize?

i cant really say but maybe they were given to lions for lunch!

Is a loser smart?

There are no losers in this world, unless you are talking about sports or something. Then yeah there are losers. But there are no losers, just mean people who call others losers. So I can't answer the question, considering that there are no losers. :)

How did ancient Greeks take advantage of the water and island surrounding them?

there boiling in them times p.s i dont realy know