Yes, the Greeks invented the Olympics and held tornaments in Olympus. Sports like archery, javelin throwing, wrestling. BTW they did it naked.
The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, because Greece 'invented' the Olympics in ancient times. The date was 1896. During WW2 they were suspended of course. They were scheduled for 1940 as they were in Berlin in 1936. Hitler got into the way for the never held 1940 Olympics. I have a comment on the modern day Olympics. In ancient Greece the idea was to credit the individual winners .. they were never intended to be a contest as to how many medals a country won. In ancient Greece the city states entered athletes but as example Sparta did not gather medals...
The first Modern Olympics were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece.
No, other cities vied for the financial and other benefits - the Nemean Games, Isthmean Games etc.
Olympia in Elis, southern Greece 776 BCE as a festival to the god Zeus.
it was held in ancient Greece in Olympus
Both the first ancient Olympics and the first modern Olympics were held in Greece.
Answer: Greece
it was in the ancient greece the first olympics
Olympia, hence the name 'Olympics'
they were held in ancient Greece
It was first held in Mount Olympia, In Greece.
The ancient Olympic games were held in Olympia, Greece.