In 1777 the British troops, under Cornwallis, surrendered to the Americans at Yorktown.
Lord Cornwallis was a very important british commander. He led a fight into the patriots in South Carolina. He was going to destroy all the patriots but was tricked and ambushed. The Patriots ran him out of South Carolina and in to Yorktown where he surrendered and he was the main reason Britain lost the revolutionary war
the British commander who surrendered to George Washington?
Loyalists and patriots were all Americans however, loyalists supported Brittan and patriots were all for America
George Rogers Clark is led the Patriots at the Sea.
England went to war with the Patriots in the 1700's because of the protests over the Stamp Act and other taxes levied on the Patriots
the patriots recieved critical help from french soldiers and sailors
the patriots recieved critical help from french soldiers and sailors
the patriots recieved critical help from french soldiers and sailors
the patriots recieved critical help from french soldiers and sailors
The patriots received critical help from French soldiers and sailors.
John Burgoyne surrendered 5,000 British and Hessian troops to American General Horatio Gates at Saratoga on October 17th, 1777.
Steve Grogan
Yes, it was a major turning point in the war. British General John Burgoyne surrendered to the Patriots.
The British Forces are the ones who surrendered to the Patriots on October 17th, 1777. The British forces were lead by John Burgoyne at the time of surrender. This action later lead to the cfrossroads of the Revolutionary War.
Lord Cornwallis was a very important british commander. He led a fight into the patriots in South Carolina. He was going to destroy all the patriots but was tricked and ambushed. The Patriots ran him out of South Carolina and in to Yorktown where he surrendered and he was the main reason Britain lost the revolutionary war
WR Stanley Morgan (1977-1989) with 68.
The result of the victory were that the Americans had a huge advantage. The English General finally surrendered to the patriots due to their huge loss. And thus ended the war.