contrast the social contract theory of government with the divine right theory. what type of government would result from each theory?
Divine Right Theory is the theory about the origins of government that it was created by divine power.
alot of people would say The Force Theory or The Evolutionary Theory, but the most influential is definitely the Divine Right Theory. It held that God created the state and that God had given those of royal birth a "divine right" to rule.
Divine right theory
The divine right theory of the origin of states is an ancient political theory that contends that the power of the state is derived directly from God. It holds that the monarch is invested with the right to rule by God, and is accountable only to God. This theory of political legitimacy is based on the belief that God has established the rulers as his representatives and that they have a divinely sanctioned right to rule. The divine right theory of the origin of states was popular during the Middle Ages, when monarchs and their advisors believed that kings and queens were appointed by God and held the right to rule by divine sanction. Over the centuries, this theory has been used to justify the authority of kings, queens, and other rulers. It was often used to explain why it was necessary to obey the laws and orders of the ruler, even when those laws and orders were seen as unjust or oppressive. The divine right theory of the origin of states was also used to explain why certain people were given more authority than others. For example, kings and queens were seen as having a special divine mandate, and their subjects were expected to obey their commands without question. This theory was also used to explain why certain people had higher social and economic status than others, as it was believed that those with higher status had been appointed by God and were held in higher regard by Him. Although the divine right theory of the origin of states has been largely discredited in modern times, it still has some influence in certain parts of the world. For example, some countries in the Middle East still maintain that a rulerβs authority is derived directly from God, and that subjects must obey the rulerβs laws and orders without question. In some cases, this belief is used to justify the oppressive actions of certain rulers.
the states or their people
the states' right to nullify acts of the federal government
the states or their people
contrast the social contract theory of government with the divine right theory. what type of government would result from each theory?
the divine right theory
Divine Right Theory is the theory about the origins of government that it was created by divine power.
The theory that supports the replacement of government when it oversteps its power is often associated with John Locke's concept of social contract theory. According to this theory, individuals have the right to rebel against a government that violates their natural rights, such as life, liberty, and property. This theory provides a justification for revolution and the establishment of a new government that better protects the rights of its citizens.
The "divine right of kings" theory states that monarchs rule by the will of God.
alot of people would say The Force Theory or The Evolutionary Theory, but the most influential is definitely the Divine Right Theory. It held that God created the state and that God had given those of royal birth a "divine right" to rule.
A king states he has been given the right to rule by God.
The tenth amendment gives power to the states that is not expressly given to the federal government. The federal government reserves the right to collect taxes, declare war, and regulate interstate commerce.
United States does not believe in the divine right theory. According to the doctrine of the divine rights theory, only God is the one who can judge a king. During the glorious revolution, United States abandoned the divine rights theory.