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Gerald Ford was a star football player at the University of Michigan and was chosen MVP on the team his senior year. He played center and line-backer. The Wolverines won the National Championship two years that Ford played, 1932 and 1933. He had offers to play pro ball from the Packers and Bears but declined. He went to Yale to be an assistant football coach while he studied law there.

Ronald Reagan was a starter at guard his senior year at Eureka College in Eureka Illinois.

Dwight Eisenhower was a fullback at West Point and was projected to become a starter until he got hurt in his sophomore year.

Richard Nixon was a second-string tackle at Whittier College.

John Kennedy played on the freshmen and JV teams at Harvard.

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Ford, Reagan, Nixon, D. Eisenhower & JFK. There has never been a President Kemp.

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Q: What US Presidents played football?
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not me! haha you thought you were getting the right answer but nope! U suck!

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President Gerald Ford. Ford chose not to try out, believing there was no future in professional athletics. Instead, upon graduation he became an assistant football coach at Yale University, a job he held until he was admitted to the Yale School of Law.