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Ok a little bit edgy sometimes.

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Q: How do you think Nike views their human rights practices?
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What does a politician think on human rights?

Politicians, as with all people have different views.

Does Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu have views on human rights?


What are the human rights and how it is amended?

In every nation there are some laws that can described as "human rights' laws, but there is no such codified document encompassing "Human Rights" and every society, every religion, and every nationality views them differently.

What were the views of segregation of NAACP?

The NAACP's views on segregation was they wanted equality for housing, voting, education, and all other human rights as a race that they were denied.

What do you think Dickinson's views on women's rights would have been?

She probably would have supported them.

Do Christians believe in gay rights?

There is a wide array of different views among Christians regarding gay rights. Christians do not all always think with a single mind. Some support gay rights and many do not.

Definition of social justice and human rights in Philippine constitution article XIII?

Article XIII of the Philippine Constitution outlines the views of social justice an human rights. The constitution states that all laws with the intention of improving social justice will be given the highest priority.

What were Anne Frank's political views?

Anne Frank's diary does not extensively discuss her specific political views. However, based on her writings, she opposed discrimination and persecution, believed in the importance of human equality and rights, and expressed a desire for peace and justice.

How did the clayton antitrust benefit labor?

Wilson strongly believed in a government more concerned about human rights than property rights. Through these strong idealistic views, Wilson was in fact the president of the common people

What is Jane Goodall's political views?

Jane Goodall has not aligned herself with any specific political party or ideology. However, she is known for advocating for environmental conservation, animal welfare, and human rights around the world. She often speaks out against practices that harm the environment or exploit animals.

What was Henry clay's views on states's rights?

He was in favor of a strong state's rights.

Tell ways you show respect for the rights of others?

You can show respect for the rights of others by not pushing your views, and beliefs on those who do not think the same way that you do. You can also show respect by not infringing on their space.