He was a champion fighter. Apart from that, he made no difference in any way.
He felt extreme animocity towards him when he refused to serve in the Vietnam War. Many people refused to consider him American, sadly, when he changed his name from Cassius clay to Muhammad Ali. However, much of that has subsided now as we realize the corruption associated with the Vietnam war and the courage he showed in faithfully following his religion.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah may not have been the wisest decision maker, but he was scrupulously honest. He was a dictator who made solo judgements for the benefit of?æhis people regardless of the general opinion.
Answer Cassius didn't want to fight against people who did him no harm.
she made a difference by letting woman have there rights
The party that Ali Moses was elected by was the NRM.
muhumad ali helped the world by being the greatest black boxer ever
Muhammad Ali married to Sonji Roi in 1964 Muhammad Ali married to Belinda Boyd in 1967 Muhammad Ali married to Veronica Porché Ali in 1977 Muhammad Ali married to Yolanda Williams in 1986
Muhammad ali
Muhammad Ali.
No, Muhammad Ali is not single.
Ali Nasir Muhammad was born in 1939.
Muhammad Ali
is Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali is more famous in terms of boxing
Muhammad Ali's brother's name is 50 cent
he punched everyone in his boxing matches