For the top 30 teams, the average was 31,404. (Source:
The 43rd president of the United States of America, George W. Bush was a co-owner of the Texas Rangers.
why are womens not allowed to play major league with men is there a broublem with it . why are womens not allowed to play major league with men is there a broublem with it . why are womens not allowed to play major league with men is there a broublem with it .
George W. Bush
He was a baseball player. Valenzuela(born November 1, 1960 Etchohuaquila, Sonora, Mexico) is a former left-handed pitcher who pitched for six different teams during his Major League Baseball career.
Eric Bruskotter was an American actor born on March 22nd. He appeared in Starship Troopers, Can't Buy Me Love and Major League II.
Each team submits the attendance of every game they play.
MLB reported a total attendance of 73,061,763 in 2010, down 446,434 from 2009. Average attendance per game in 2010 was 30,067 and in 2009 was 30,300.
.262 The American League's average was .266 and the National League's average was .258.
According to numbers published by the Major League Baseball Players Association, the average player salary in 1969 was $24,909. The league minimum that season was $10,000.
About $196.00
Probably California, with five Major League teams, more than any other state.
Major League Baseball like all other large sporting organizations uses a simple method to measure the attendance at games. As fans enter the stadium they pass through turn styles. With each click a number is recorded. The final count is made once the stadium is full.
About 207 lbs
123 cm
About 207 lbs