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Try putting in neutral at the time and see if it makes a difference. I had a similar problem w/1991 Lincoln and found that it was a recall from Ford. When brakes got warm they would apply, due to defective master cylinder

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Q: Your car suddenly drags when coasting speed reaches 20mph could this be transmission or brakes?
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When your car is coasting and slows to 20mph you feel a suuden grab like something suddenly holding your car back you are not using your brakes at all and it does not do it in neutral only in drive Cp?

Automatic transmission is downshifting

Can you save gas by coasting down hills?

Yes coasting downhill will save you fuel. However do not do this with a vehicle equipped with automatic transmission. You will damage the automatic transmission by coasting. You can do this with a manual transmission but do not shut the engine off. This would cause you to loose power steering and power brakes.

When your car is coasting 20mph without applying the brakes you feel a sudden drag could this be the transmission downshifting from 3rd to 1st skipping 2cd?

you can contact All Automatic 928-768-4112 and ask bobby

How do you use the word brakes in a sentence?

The driver suddenly applied the brakes.

Why do you move forward when your car brakes suddenly?


Why does automatic transmission brake pads wear faster than manual transmission?

With a manual transmission you downshift to slow down in situations where in an automatic you would have to use the brakes. Using brakes more = brakes wearing faster.

Can brakes be used in auto transmission car when engine is off?

Yes, Brakes can be used in Auto transmission car when the Engine is off.

If you find yourself suddenly without headlights slam on your brakes?


Why do you fall forward when a car brakes suddenly?

Because you are decelerating sharply

Why is coasting wrong?

First, coasting is illegal in some countries and US- States and in Europe it would be a reason to fail the driving test. Second, a driver has no longer full control of the car. If you drive a manual transmission and coast in neutral you have to rely on your brakes only. You are no longer able to accelerate or use the engine brake until putting in a gear again. And this takes time. Maybe just a second, but one a driver doesn't want to spare in case of emergency. Putting the car in neutral and brake then is also shortening the life of the brakes dramatically. Shifting down properly and use both engine and mechanical brakes is the better way (and don't worry about the clutch, a clutch is designed for that). P. S. When it comes to automatic transmission I'm no help. No automatics in Germany, fortunately.

What could cause a 1995 Nissan to make a rumble sound when coasting and then stepping on the gas if brakes and tires have been checked?

Wheel Bearings are most likely worn.

What would cause a 94 Grand Prix to suddenly stop while driving?
