Paint Your Wagon was directed by Joshua Logan. Joshua Lockwood Logan III began his career as an action, featuring in Carry Nation in the 1930s before becoming a director.
Paint Your Wagon - album - was created in 1986.
The duration of Paint Your Wagon - film - is 2.73 hours.
Paint Your Wagon - film - was created on 1969-10-15.
Paint Your Wagon grossed $31,678,778 worldwide.
Paint Your Wagon grossed $31,678,778 in the domestic market.
Paint Your Wagon (1969) was released in Australia on March 6, 1970.
Jean Seberg.
Sylvester Newel
Who's the Boss - 1984 Paint Your Wagon 1-12 was released on: USA: 15 January 1985
The Covered Wagon - 1923 is rated/received certificates of: Portugal:17 (director's cut)
Paint your Wagon
The Upper Hand - 1990 Paint Your Wagon 1-8 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG (video rating) (2010)