I'm pretty sure it's a way of taking a drugs,
By putting it up your @ss....
A man's golf club will be longer and unless its an iron there will be diffrent sharft flex.
You Going to have to rotate the carborator because they dont run sideways then you will have to to take the engine apart so you can find a new way to sling around the oil.
to remove the old one there are 3 fixing points one is at the ball joint undo but dont remove the bush bolts jack the leg up to keep the spring tolt remove from ball joint at this point be carefull not to pull the drive sharft out of the gearbox / remove the bush bolts and your done put the new one on the same way .
if the gear lever is just hangin then get some vice grips and lock it onto the gear shaft and clik it up 1/2 a gear so it is in neutral and then as soon as posable get a new lever or sharft or just weld the lever to the shaft with a tig!
Speed Sensor is located near the rear firewall center of the engine then all the back againt the firewall look for the three wire connection be carful not to damage that remove the wire (plug) and gently remove a left to right action will loosen it take the new sensor and gentley place it in the tube becareful not to damage of loosen the plastic gear on the end of the sensor if it had a bolt place that back on tighten the bracker just until its snug replace the plug on top have some one start the car listen closley to make sure you dont hear any grinding sound it all sounds good close the hood take it for a test drive watch the speedometer and the odem and see if they are working if not could be the sharft in the tube that runs down into the tranmission housing is broken then you have a pain in the butt problem
A typical rib attaches directly to the sternum, while an atypical rib does not attach to the sternum and may be shorter, have an abnormal shape, or attach to a different rib. Atypical ribs are usually found as ribs 1, 2, 11, and 12 in the human body.