Your car probably has abnormally worn in tires, caused by misalignment. Worn rotors can cause this as well.
you could be running low on transmission fluid, or your torque converter could be going out
low on fluid
not very far
I'm not positive about your car, or the dash setup, but generally a water light means your low on coolant. If you drive while low on coolant, you run the risk of overheating your engine. Obviously that's not a good thing.
Whistling at low speeds tends to indicate worn wheel bearings.
Yes, if you want to destroy your engine.
Reverse, Drive, Low gears
I would say, Low, Second and Drive.
When driving in fog it is best to drive with low your light on low beam. This will ensure that you get clear vision. You can use fog lights if you have them on your car and do not speed.
Transmission fluid is a very important fluid while maintaining a car. Transmission fluid can be low, and a car can drive a decent length without any problems. However, the distance is dependent on the shape and condition of the rest of the car.
Punk band "All Time Low" guitarist Jack Barakat has been said to drive several different cars, and some believe that he isn't allowed to drive.