how you ever rode on the hay ride
The Hay Wagon.
same as a xanax bar but time released
Well you have to have the equiptment. as long as have a hay cutter, a round or square baler, and a wagon for square bales,or a trailer and a hay lifter for round bails. and there you have it!!! oh and you need a tractor too.
They look like small huts made of grass,mud,tree-bark,and hay.
hot hay!! oh and by the way he's my boyfriend!!
hot hay!! oh and by the way he's my boyfriend!!
A wagon helps you:carry more items than you can hold in your hands or armstransport more items than you can carrytransport heavy or bulky itemstransport small items (like individual stalks of corn, wheat, hay)transport peopletransport animals
The last year Celebrity's were made was 1990, there was no 1994.
It is actually called The Hay Wain and it was painted by John Constable in 1821. There is also a painting called 'Haywain' by Heironymous Bosch, circa 1500-1502.
hay i no you like rap look up C-way on youtube