alot of years of collage. There are schools that specialize in Automotive Design. There is also different types of auto designers. If you just want to do the aesthetics you would go to school similar to Art Center in CA. If you want to to the Engineering side of Auto design than you would go into Mechanical Engineering. I have a degree in Industrial Design and it encompasses all types of design. I personally have specialized in toy and playground design. I have done many sketches and renderings of automobiles. I went to the University of Cincinnati and went through the co-op program and it took me 5 yrs. The benefit of the co-op program is that in your pre-junior year you start working at a Company for 3 months on and off until you graduate (you get paid!!). You have a choice to work for different Companies, although you do have to interview and are in competition with other students. This is really a big plus on your resume after you graduate.
No years are required as such, as there are many designers out there who are self taught. However I would recommend 3-5 years, with a 1 year placement.
I think you have to spend approx. 5 or 6 years in collage to become a CSI.
8 years
I think 12 years in collage
8 years
5 years
4 years
You should probably learn how to spell first.....^ --very true.If you're curious about how long it will take to become an interior designer, go to a college website or visit forums for job applications.
A BS in Education can on average be achieved in four years.