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Sport teaches you how to run, catch, dive, swim, basically anything. So if you watch it, it will help you learn more

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Q: How is sport education?
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What is Physical education and what is the meaning of mental education?

it is sport

Why is sport part of education?

because it's education lol

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What is sport ed?

sports education stupid

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To be a COACH you have to go to college and get an education on sport medicene

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What does pesscl stand for?

Physical Education School Sport and club

What you can study in physical education?

you can study practiacally any sport

What is the difference between physical education and sports?

Sports, you have lots of them. Cricket is a sport but PE is playing sports

What does a sport technologist do?

a person who provides performance technology and education to sporting organizations.

What education do you need to start a club?

sometimes it depends of the type of sport or club