You should be able to put the key in the run position, press the panic button on the key 4 times slowly and then press the lock button to put it into passive security, press the lock button twice to put it into active security, or press the unlock button to disable the security system.
You can reset the 2002 Chevrolet blazer security system by removing the security system fuse. Keep the fuse out for 10 seconds and replace it to its original slot.
Howdo i reset my radio security code ml 500 2002
you can't do it yourself you need a spaecial comp program- go to craigs, look for auto lockmith (mobile) under services. Anyone that does newer chipped keys can do a reset for you in about 5 mins for under 100.00 at your location. DO NOT go to dealer
how do you fix security switch on a 2002 oldsmobile alero
Unless you set a security code and remember what it is the dealer is your only option because of security system radios are vehicle specific when installed at factory vehicle needs to be hooked up ro comp at dealer and reset (approx $100)
Dodge does not use inertia/reset switches.
Hi, I have a 2002 Cadillac Seville SLS. I would like to know how to reset the stability system? my message light came on.
disconnect neg and pos of battery for 1 minute
You can try disconnecting the negative battery cable for 5 minutes. That may reset the light. If not you will need an OBD2 scan tool to reset it.
There are 3 different things that can cause the security lights to flash constantly on a 2002 Saturn Vue. These things are a bad passlock sensor in the ignition housing, a bad BCM, or a bad PCM.
The security system has a relearn procedure but it cannot be bypassed.
My 2002 Saturn L300 was doing this also, it was the BCM (Body Control Module). Cost about $600 to fix at the dealership