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Q: Would it be true to say that there have been two world cup trophies?
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Is it true that there have been two World Cup trophies for 2010?

No there is only one cup at the World Cup.

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Does MGS4 support trophies?

I herd that it will in March 2009don't know if its true though

Are there tropies for lost planet for ps3?

Yes, what the other guy told you is partially true (it deserves trophies) it has a total of 51 trophies! Enjoy Lost Planet 2!

Is it true that there would be a end to this world?

No stop think about it

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i dont think dat is true because it would have because it would have been heard round da U.S. i dont think dat is true because it would have because it would have been heard round da U.S. i dont think dat is true because it would have because it would have been heard round da U.S.

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true there are dinosaurs on the world over 230 dinos have been found besides sharks eagles and crocodiles True because 700 dinosaurs have been named.

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it is NOT true, it is what is known as an urban legend if it had of been true it would of been on news and stuff and it hasnt been so we know it is not true, i never send the chain letters on with this crap on and im fine

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Disagree. A true Christian would work to improve the world, not to reject it completely.

Is it true that the world would end in the year 2012?

Yes it is.

Is it true that when its foggy after 40 days the world is going to end?

If that were true there would be no San Francisco or London either.

Is it true that the world is going to end in 2016?

No one can be sure when the world is going to end. There have been many speculations of the end of the world since the beginning. For example people thought the world would end in 2000. Since it was a turn of the century and no one was sure how computers would handel the change. Turns out everything was fine.