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Q: Witch girl tennis player is the best and is in the Olympics for Australia?
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Golf ball or tennis ball witch bounces higher?

A tennis ball does bounce higher!!!:]] x

Witch uses more energy basketball or tennis?

there is no right answer

How the Olympics help the world?

it tells you witch country is more althetic . and witch country has the better sports system.

Witch city is host of the 2012 Summer Olympics?

London, England

Witch state did captain starling found?

Western Australia

Where and why did the winter Olympics begin?

The winter Olympics are a sporting event Witch occurs every 4 years. They were first held in 1924 in chamonix,france

Witch money do they use in Australia?

Australia has its own currency. Based on a decimal system, named the Australian dollar

What bond film was set in India?

Tennis star and actor Vijay Amritraj was in Octopussy.

Witch two contenents are loccated entierly within the southern hemisphere?


How do you pass the Olympics on Kingdom Hearts?

You have to keep on beating the round until you get to the final round witch is usually a boss.

Where is the ancient Greek olympic village?

i think you are wondering about mount Olympus, witch is where the ancient Greek Olympics were held.

What kinds of races were featured in the Olympics?

the stade was the first ever olympic race witch was a race of 180 meters.