

Will a soccer player need to bring his own equipment?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Generally is provided by team or facility.

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Q: Will a soccer player need to bring his own equipment?
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What kind of equipment do i need for a soccer match?

A field. Markings on the field. Goals with nets (2). Corner flagposts (4). A ball. Officials and players bring their own equipment.

What do you need be soccer player?

Soccer is like a job and soccer is goal of your life.

What equipment is needed for high school soccer?

you would need soccer balls, and uniforms. also a field!

What do you need to be the best soccer player?

to be the best soccer player you need to have skills,moves,tricks and you have to be fast at soccer.

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Be great at soccer.

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they have to study physics and do well in PE

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u need to have faith and life to have expired in soccer

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What equipment do you need to play soccer on a traveling soccer team?

usually you need a tee shirt, soccer shorts, shin guards, soccer socks, cleats, and a soccer ball. Some teams will give you a practice jersey which you will be expected to wear specifically for their practices.

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to take and bring the equipment you need to and from school.

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What would it take to be a soccer player?

you need to have good skils to play soccer also t raveling you need to know