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If the glove is over her hand, she's probably grossed out by the thought of touching you. If it is simply IN her hand, it's probably just a new sensation she wants you to enjoy. If you don't like it, tell her. But if you do, then why does it matter?

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Q: Why would your girlfriend use glove to rub you penis?
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Yes, it is possible, if the girl is infected with the virus.

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Engaging in any sexual activity without clear and enthusiastic consent is considered sexual assault and is not acceptable. It is important to always prioritize communication, respect boundaries, and seek mutual consent in any kind of sexual encounter.

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It becomes enjoyable when you rub the penis between the hands or the thighs.

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It's important to always ask for and respect your partner's consent and boundaries when it comes to physical touch. Communication is key in any intimate situation, so make sure to check in with your girlfriend about what she likes and feels comfortable with. Remember to be gentle, respectful, and attentive to her body language and verbal cues throughout.

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He would rub her stomach as he softly sang sweet love songs in her ear and cuddled her closer.

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you take the battery's out and rub them on a friend's penis

Its not a penis will you get pregnant?

no because you have to rub your penus on a sexy ladies vagina

How do you properly apply lube to your penis?

Probably the easiest way would be to squirt some lube into the palm of your hand and then to massage or rub it over the entire length of the penis, paying particular attention to the tip.

Your girlfriend sucked your penis and you didnt feel anything what was she doing wrong?

Basically, she wasn't doing it right. Maybe next time tell her to put her lips tighter around it. And as she goes up either lick the top of the head of the penis or rub your top teeth on it slowly and carry on as normal.