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To get a lot of money

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Q: Why peoploe travel outside their own country for sport purposes?
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What is a Rupee Travellers' Cheque and can it be used outside Pakistan?

Travellers Cheques in PKR can be used outside Pakistan as these are available for travel purposes whether inside or outside the issuing country.

What is the name for traveling in your own country?

To travel for recreational purposes is called tourism, whether it is done within ones own country, or in another country. To travel for other purposes, business purposes or to visit relatives, is just called travel. No special name.

What do you need to travel on airplane outside the US?

You need a passport if you are going to travel outside of the country.

Can you tell me more about business visas?

A business visa is required if you travel out of the country for non-work purposes. I do not believe that you need a visa for work related purposes of travel.

Do you need passports?

Only when you want to Travel outside the Country.

Can you leave the state of Georgia to travel out the country if on probation for a DUI?

According to my DUI lawyer, travel outside the country requires the judge's approval.

Do people with animation jobs in the military travel outside of the country?


What is north Americas most popular country?

Do you mean which country outside of the USA? We love the USA. But if we travel I say our most favorite country to travel in is the United Kingdom.

Whats the purpose of a travel Visa?

A travel visa is a sticker stamped by officials of a foreign country on a passport. It allows the bearer to visit that country, either for business, tourist or transitory purposes.

Can Peruvians acquire travel visas?

Yes people from Peru are allowed to travel. There are Peruvians that get travel visas for business and athletes and entertainers from Peru that travel outside of their country.

Definition of national tourism?

It can be defined as followed. activity of people visiting destinations outside their own Country.

Can semen travel?

yes, but only after obtaining proper identification. And outside the country only with a passport.