

Why people take drugs at the Olympics?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Drugs, in some cases, give them a competitive edge.

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Q: Why people take drugs at the Olympics?
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Related questions

What kind of drugs do people in the Olympics take?

p and deeian

Why do people take drugs at the Olympics?

they take drugs because it makes them perform better and to help them win the medals for their countries.

What could the officials do to stop people from taking drugs at the Olympics?

Ban any violator of controlled substances and/or performance enhancement drugs. Also improved mandatory testing practices at the Olympics.

Why the Olympics start drug testing?

So as people dont take self enhancing performance drugs to make them faster, longer, higher, faster and stronger

Do Zimbabwe people take part in Olympics?

THEY DO TAKE PART IN THE OLYMPICS BUT NOT ALL OF THEM.A lot of them take part in baseball.

How does the Olympics committee screen for drugs at the Olympics?

by blood test.....

What age are the people who take drugs?

Well if your talking about legal drugs then people take it when their born, but if your on about Illegal drugs then children probably form the age of 12 start to take illegal drugs xx hope this will help

Why do people choose to take drugs?

Because its the smart choice drugs are very expensive and some drugs are not healthy to take.

Why do people choose not to take drugs?

Because its the smart choice drugs are very expensive and some drugs are not healthy to take.

What causes people to take drugs?


How can people avoid becoming addicted to drugs?

don't take drugs.

What drugs are permitted in the Olympics?
