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Q: Why is the hot tub at the olympic diving?
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What kind of pool do the divers get in after diving?

It's sort of like a hot tub that's warm rather than hot. It keeps the divers from getting cold to quickly after their dives.

Olympic sport starting with the letter d?

diving diving

Why do Olympic divers go in the small pool after a dive?

The small pool is a hot tub; divers go in to keep their muscles loose.

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How can I use a hot tub cover?

You use a hot tub cover after the hot tub has cooled off. Using it while your hot tub is still warm can cause your cover to break.

Why do olympic divers go into a hot tub after each dive?

thats a good question because i honestly think they look stupid doing it

How much does a hot tub cost?

for a luxury hot tub it is 15,000

How long do hot tub covers last?

Hot tub covers can have long lives if they are cared for properly. Hot tub covers are mostly affected by dirt and sunlight so keep it clean and perhaps put a tarp over it if the hot tub is in direct sunlight.

How expensive are hot tub covers?

Hot tub cover prices usually depend on the type of hot tub that you own. Hot tub cover prices can range between $100 to $400. It also depends on your income to decide if a hot tub cover is too expensive.

How are points awarded in diving Olympic diving competition?

they count how little the splash is... i think

Why should I purchase a hot tub heater?

A hot tub is just that a tub of hot water thus, the need for a heater. To reek the benefits and pleasures of owning a hot tub a heater is an essential element to the experience.

What is the average weight of a standard hot tub cover?

An average hot tub cover weighs 20lbs. This can vary depending on how large the hot tub is.