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i think that's because that is what most team sports have to use is teamwork i think that is what Mike Lupica was trying to get at in this great book

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Q: Why is teamwork important in Mike Lupicas come back kids Safe at Home?
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Where is the setting for mike lupicas travel team?


What is mike lupicas age?

He is forty-five to fifty-five

Names of mike lupicas parents?

george and Martha Washington

What was mike lupicas first job?

His first jod was at a news paper

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his favorite food is pizza

What are mike lupicas books genre?

Mike Lupica's books primarily fall into the sports fiction genre. He is known for writing novels for children and young adults that revolve around sports themes such as basketball, football, and baseball. Lupica's books often focus on themes of teamwork, friendship, and perseverance.

When were mike lupicas kids born?

Mike Lupica was born on May 11, 1952

What is mike LUPICAS favorite color?

I'm not able to provide personal information about individuals.

What is the theme of mike lupicas heat?

Keep your head up. There may be difficult times but you have to battle through them.

What is mike lupicas writing style?

he is mostly a plot writer, which means that his books drag you into it for its plot, not vocabulary or dialogue etc.

What is the setting of mike lupicas The Big field?

I am pretty sure that the setting takes place in Lutana, Florida in the summer. your welcome dfklajdf;hadsjkfhadjkfhkl;adhjgkl;adhgkdgjl;adkjg

What had Jeff ross done after tryouts in mike lupicas travel team?

After tryouts in Mike Lupica's "Travel Team," Jeff Ross was selected to be part of the basketball team despite facing challenges and doubts from his father and the coach. Jeff demonstrated determination, hard work, and persistence to overcome these obstacles and earn his place on the team.