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because spitting is descusting

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Q: Why is spitting a direct free kick?
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For spitting to an opponent in a football field should a player get any other penalty except being sent off?

Spitting any any other person is, as you say, an send off offense. If the spitting is directed at an opponent, a Direct Free Kick is awarded to the opposing team at the spot of the infraction. As a result, this would become a penalty kick if it happened in the opposing team's penalty area.

Can you score a goal directly from a free kick?

Only if the kick awarded was a direct free kick.

Define direct free kick in the game of soccer?

A direct free kick is a kick that requires only one person to touch it before it goes into the goal to count.

What is the difference between a Direct and an Indirect free kick in soccer?

An indirect free kick must be touched by another player before it goes into the net to count as a goal. A direct free kick does not.

What is the kind of kick that occurs after a foul?

A free kick. Depending on the category of the foul, it can be either a direct or an indirect free kick. The difference between the two is that a goal can be scored from a direct free kick (but only against the opponent) whereas a goal cannot be scored from an indirect free kick.

Can a player be guilty of an offside offense directly from a direct free kick?

A player may be guilty of an offside infraction directly from a direct free kick.

What is the major difference between a direct free kick as company to an indirect one in soccer?

A direct free kick is a direct shot at goal, which has a chance to be converted. An Indirect free kick is usually taken with an aid or a pass and is given in less dangerous positions

What is the cause for a Direct Kick?

There are seven offenses that result in a direct free kick if done in a manner the referee believes was careless, reckless, or using excessive force: kicking or attempting to kick an opponent tripping or attempting to trip an opponent jumping at an opponent charging an opponent striking or attempting to strike an opponent pushing an opponent tackling an opponent There are three more offenses that result in a direct free kick if any player does them, regardless of carelessness, etc.: holding an opponent spitting at an opponent handling the ball deliberately (except the goalkeeper in his or her own penalty area)

What is the name of the direct free kick from 12 yards in front of the goal?

A direct free kick awarded from 12 yards in front of the goal would be within the penalty area. It would have to be a kick awarded to the defense, because if a defender had committed a direct free kick offense at that location the restart would, instead, have been a penalty kick for the attackers.

Soccer- a kick that follows a foul?

In precise usage, a foul is one of the direct free kick offenses that is performed by a player, against an opponent, on the field, and during active play.Indirect free kick offenses are not referred to as fouls. Deliberate handling, a direct free kick offense, is also not usually referred to as a foul since it is not against an opponent.

What constitutes direct or indirect fouls in soccer?

No, if it's a defender against an attacker, it is a penalty. "Foul" is a term used to describe direct free kick offenses. Those are automatically promoted to a penalty kick while in the penalty area.

When is a penalty kick awarded instead of a free kick?

When a foul, specifically a direct free kick offense, is committed by a defender, against an attacker, in the penalty area.