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because you feel guilty about asking for money but it happens so just man up and ask him

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Q: Why is it that when i try to ask my dad about me earning money i feel guilty?
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You like a boy who is in your class in fourth grade you told him you used to like him but you still like him should you feel guilty?

You should not feel guilty no. You should ask him to the pictures or something.

What does characteristically unrepentant mean?

A person who does not feel guilty about their actions and does not care to ask for forgiveness.

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Why feel guilty about it? It was left for you and you are entitled to it, so ask and find out! The other person to check with is the executor of the estate. You should feel guilty. If I were you, I'd get an attorney

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Yes they can. I had an apprentice do one of my tattoos and they charged me for it. Ask the shop about their policies with regards to apprentices earning money from tattoos.

What can you do to make him feel guilty when he hurts you?

If he constantly lies drop him, then he will be hurt (If he cares for you) and change his ways and ask you back, if he doesn't ask for you back you are better off without such a person that you can't trust.

Why do men ask women for money.?

because men think that they have all the power and they feel embarrassed to ask for money. men!

Hey Are You Looking For A Making Money And Earn Online ..

As an AI language model, I don't have personal interests or engage in online activities such as making money or earning online. My purpose is to provide information, answer questions, and assist with various topics to the best of my abilities. If you have any questions or need assistance with a specific topic, feel free to ask!

How can you earn money when you are young?

Earning money when you are young is relatively easy. Basically, ask your parents if there are any extra jobs you can do around the house for money. Or you could sell lemonade or something on the sidewalk. If you are 16, you can always seek your first ever job.

You lied then told the truth and you still feel guilty why?

You may still feel guilty because that lie could have hurt someone. That someone could even be you. Telling the truth was the first step. Suffering the consequences is the second. Third: Forgiving yourself. -I disagree with the above. When you lied you did something wrong. Feeling guilty is a result of this. To not feel guilty you have to be truly sorry you did something wrong and ask forgiveness of the person you lied to. Asking forgiveness of God is something I would also recommend, as He doesn't hold with lying, and is more important than the person you lied to.

Is ill think about it a good answer if you ask someone out?

Yes, it is as long as you stay true to your word and really think about it. Then get back to them when you have your final answer! You don't have to feel guilty for saying no. M ---- any people feel worse if they say yes....hahha

If I am thirteen years old and I want to start earning money what should I do to get it?

Well i would go to the local country club and ask to caddy. You can make as much as 30 dollars with a tip.

If you plead not guilty to a speeding ticket can you end up paying more money in the long run and how likely is it?

In some states you can end up paying more money if you are found guilty. Nowadays, unless you have witnesses and good evidence, a police officer is always right. If they say you were speeding, then you were speeding (according to the judge). You could plead guilty and ask that it be reduced or taken off your record if you can stay clean for 90 days, some states will allow deals like that. If you were honestly not guilty, then plead your case and see what happens.