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for more speed and to win

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Q: Why is a snowboarders helmet streamlined?
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What essential safety item should all snowboarders wear?

A helmet

Where do snowboarders snowboard?

Snowboarders snowboard just about wherever there is snow and a mountain.

How does a bike helmet make you go faster?

it will make you faster, but only if it is streamlined. other than this it protects your head if you fall off your bike.

Which Snowboarders are Christian?

me lol

How do helmets reduce friction?

Basically to reduce air friction on a body, the most general idea is to streamline the body. The same is done by the helmet. When one drives a bike , the person takes a position which streamlines the flow of air over the body(i.e, he bends, like in motoGPs). But the head is not so streamlined and it can obstruct the air flow and hence can add additional drag. The helmet is also designed in the same way(take a look at the design of helmet of cyclists), it is streamlined, so that now the air flows smoothly over the head portion, hence reducing the drag.

Who are the famous snowboarders?

liam r and devon a

What is a naturally streamlined object?

i don't particularly understand what you mean by naturally streamline but seals, dolphins, sharks, bullet train, a racing car and a special racing bike helmet. i hope this comes in handy.

How much is a snowboarders autograph woth?

Depends on which snowboarder

What does streamlined mean about stingrays?

whats a streamlined?

How many snowboarders does it take to kill one cow?


Who are some famous skaters and snowboarders?

fatty mogos and retards

Where can you find a list of professional snowboarders from 2000 - 2004?