

Why girl performance is better than boys in athletics?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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girls are better because they have a more strong body:)

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Q: Why girl performance is better than boys in athletics?
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People don't realize that math can be both a "girl thing" and "boy thing". Some people think boys are better at math because teachers don't pay attention to girls in math. Nothing is a "girl thing" or a "boy thing", boys and girls do tend to be better at different things, but that doesn't mean that that thing is a "girl thing" or "boy thing". Girls can do better at math that boys, and boys can do better at math than girls, but that doesn't mean that all boys are better at math that all girls.

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Well, the excact science of that is that there are more girls in the worlds than boys and they are smarter but boys are stronger and bigger, usually.

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That is not true. Most girls and boys in most cultures see both genders as equals.

Do girls have it better then boys?

no this is what your should be asking to the person who made this question. are you a girl or a boy?