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Q: Why does the shadow get bigger as the torch moves closer and smaller as the torch moves away?
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the shadow get bigger.

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As you move farther away your shadow get bigger and goes away

What makes a shadow?

either the light source moves, or the object casting the shadow moves, or the surface that the shadow is projected against moves.

What makes a shadow move?

either the light source moves, or the object casting the shadow moves, or the surface that the shadow is projected against moves.

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The best shadow moves are: shadow end(120/100), shadow storm(95/100), shadow rush (90/100) and shadow blast(80/100). All the other shadow moves are under 75/100.

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Mercury, because the closer the planet, the faster it moves.

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Yes, the closer you get the bigger the object will appear but to only the size of the object really is, and the farther away you get the small it will get

What happens to a shadow when the object is moved?

the shadow moves with it.

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No. Energy is emitted when an electron moves to a closer shell (closer to the nucleus).

Why does the size of venus appear to change?

Venus is not all that small. It is roughly the size of Earth (similar density, mass, and size). Maybe you should specify your question better.

What occurs when the moon moves into the shadow of the sun?

The sun has no shadow. Do you mean the shadow of the earth?