

Why does playing sports pervent child obesity?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why does playing sports pervent child obesity?
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No, no, no, no and no! Personal information of the child and the parent is confidential.

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How do you pervent someone from filling bankruptcy on back child support?

... prevent ... Bankruptcy is a Federal process and has no effect on child support. Bankruptcy does not dismiss child support debts.

Where can one read about child obesity facts?

One can read about child obesity facts from eMedicine Health, CDC and Heart websites. Knowing the facts about child obesity will help parents to know how to help children to live a healthy life.

Is child obesity the restaurant's fault?

No. It is down to the parents and the child. If they eat proper food and get plenty of exercise then the chances of childhood obesity are minimised.

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He was more into war then really playing any sports

How can everyone stop child obesity?

Parents should provide healthy food choices in their homes. Additionally, they should encourage their kids to get involved in sports or other active activities.

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Child obesity.

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Why do sports parents get out of control?

They forget or choose to ignore the fact it is their child who is playing, not them. Winning is more important to them.

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Why is child hood obesity a problem?

Left untreated, child obesity leads to adult obesity. Obesity in adults is responsible for premature death or disability in many people world wide (Fact - More people die world wide from being over weight than underweight - World Health organization stats). Child obesity is completely preventable, and if nothing is done to correct diets as a child, our children are being set up for health problems in their adult lives.