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medium is the matter a wave trvels through

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Q: Why does a mechanical wave need a medium?
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What are waves that need a medium?

mechanical wave

Does a mechanical wave need a medium?


Is a mechanical wave a sound wave?

Yes, a sound wave is a mechanical wave. Sound waves need a medium (like air) to travel through. The energy of the wave, the mechanical energy, is transferred into the medium through which it is propagated.

Do sound waves need a medium?

Yes. Sound wave is a mechanical wave and needs a medium.

What is a mechanical wave and a medium?

A mechanical wave is a wave the transfers energy through a medium If anyone know what a mechanical waves medium is add an answer to this question

What is a characteristics of a mechanical wave?

They need a medium to propagate through.

Why do we need mediums with regards to waves?

Wave is nothing but a transferring of disturbance. So it needs a medium. But if medium is to be material then the wave is named as mechanical wave. If medium is not to be a material and if free space is enough then the wave is found to be electromagnetic. Sound is a mechanical wave and light is an electromagnetic wave

Waves that do require a medium are called?

Sound waves, they need a medium to vibrate.A2. Earthquake waves and other mechanical waves also need a medium for their transmission.Ghv. Tsunamis are a type of mechanical wave, which is the kind of wave you're looking for.

If the wave requires a medium then the wave is classified as a?

If the wave requires a medium then it is a mechanical wave.

What wave requires a medium?

Waves that require a medium are called mechanical waves

Mechanical waves need a through which to transport energy?

A mechanical wave travels through matter.A mechanical wave travels through matter.A mechanical wave travels through matter.A mechanical wave travels through matter.

What type of wave is a mechanical wave?

A mechanical wave is a wave that uses a medium to travel. Without a medium, it would not be able to go anywhere.